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Derbyshire Dales 2024 – the task ahead
Roger Shelley, our new Derbyshire Dales Liberal Democrat Chair for 2024, has shared his thoughts on our direction and focus for this important General Election year.
Our Party has plenty of very good people, and plenty of good ideas too. Just a few examples of where these strongly apply to Derbyshire Dales, and where they are distinctively different from our opponents:
- Getting smoother trade and travel with Europe
- Urgent GP appointments within 24 hours
- Reforming NHS dentistry
- Stop sewage dumping
- Solar panels on all new homes,
- Extra funding for farmers
However, it can be quite hard remembering these, because there isn’t necessarily a common thread. Dig a little deeper though, and it starts to become clearer. Staring us in the face, and perhaps because we have got so used to living in a great country, but where publicly funded things are falling apart, our campaign will focus on:
- The Dales are facing an unacceptable infrastructure crisis (dovetailing with a national crisis). This pressure is dangerous; flooding/ sewage in water/ people cut off in isolated rural villages without transport. There are plenty of real examples all around us.
- The Government has failed to act to protect rural communities – there are now virtually no local banks, farmers are suffering because of poor EU grant replacement (the ELMS scheme), and there’s not nearly enough funding support for affordable, energy efficient housing in an area with high fuel poverty (yes, much higher than the national average).
- We are going to provide the quality and range of social care needed, because the 65-85 year olds are about to become a huge demographic group in Derbyshire Dales, and their needs will swamp existing providers. Without addressing this, it’s not just younger people who will have to move away.
- If elected nationally we will reform the service providers and make sure there is proper accountability for banks, bus companies, water companies, and other quangos like the Forestry Commission and Peak Park Authority. And ensure investment to tackle these.
So, I hope this addresses the ‘so what?’ questions we will face, and the ‘why vote Lib Dem?’ question. It is not enough to say we aren’t the Tories. These issues coalesce around the raw deal that our mainly rural area is getting, layered on top of the infrastructure crisis.
It’s the Lib Dems who are on the side of people who can’t afford to pay high prices for private provision of services, and we are the ones calling on proper Government investment in our area.
If you can help, now is the time to step forward - Please, get in touch!