Local Government: Local and National Campaigning Organisations Liberal Democrat Campaign Groups
Local Government: Local and National Campaigning Organisations Liberal Democrat Campaign Groups
Ashbourne Lib Dem Cllrs have been campaigning for several months to ensure that Ashbourne has a Banking Hub in the town and that it is up and running before the last bank in town – Lloyds – closes…
Residents and visitors to Ashbourne can now check the air in the town centre for some key pollutants including nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5). Just log on to…
Amber Valley Borough Council Kate Smith Kate is a Councillor for Crich and South Wingfield. You can find out more about her on the Amber Valley Borough Council website here.
Our local Party Contact us Derwent 88 Subscribe for the latest news Volunteer Derbyshire Dales Liberal Democrats (DDLD) fight elections to Towns, Parishes, Local and Regional government, and…
DERBYSHIRE DALES LIBERAL DEMOCRATS REDACTED MINUTES OF THE AGM HELD ON THURSDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2024 8pm Imperial Rooms, Matlock. PRESENT: The meeting was non quorate but as there were no objections…
LibDem AGM 14th November 2024 Matlock Town Council Report The year has been a difficult one for the Town Council, mainly from an administrative point of view. The loss of the Finance Officer to ill…
Derbyshire Dales Liberal Democrats Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 2023 Registered Address: 1 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2PN Elected Representatives 1 Councillors on Derbyshire County…
District Council Report for 2024 AGM Overview As was stated in last year’s report a key lesson for any party or alliance coming into control of a Council is the fact that all the challenges that were…