Location of Ashbourne Banking Hub Revealed

Ashbourne Lib Dem Cllrs have been campaigning for several months to ensure that Ashbourne has a Banking Hub in the town and that it is up and running before the last bank in town – Lloyds – closes its door later in the year. They have delivered letters to the bank and run a petition to encourage the bank not to close before the Hub is in place
The good news is that Cash Access UK have confirmed that a Hub will be provided and their chosen location is on Horse and Jockey Yard, opposite the Co-op, in what was previously Edinburgh Woolen Mill and then Young Ideas.
We think this is a great location, with level access and near the large car park where of course you can now park for free for 30 mins under the new charges that start in April, introduced by the Lib Dem led District Council.
[Picture shows the location of the new Banking Hub (previously Edinburgh Woollen Mill and Young Ideas) Inset: Ashbourne Lib Dem Cllrs delivering a letter to Lloyds Bank which is closing in the summer]