2 Important By-Elections

Next Thursday 22nd February sees by-elections taking place in two District Council wards – Bakewell and Norbury.
The Liberal Democrats, who won most seats on the District Council in May, are seeking to continue this success with wins in these two wards, previously held by Conservative councillors.
Claire Cadogan lives in Edensor and runs a small business advising companies. A charity trustee and school governor she will be campaigning for a banking hub in the town and for the Peak Park to enable more affordable home in the area.
Robin Shirtcliffe lives in Ashbourne and is a systems engineer. He is a strong advocate for the kind of development that enhances a community, particularly in rural areas where village schools and facilities are struggling to survive.
Both will be seeking your votes on Thursday 22ndFebruary. Polling stations are open from 8am until 10pm. Remember you will need photo ID to vote.