Scrutinising the Lead Local Flood Authority's advice

Derbyshire Dales District Council has decided to scrutinise the Lead Local Flood Authority's advice to planning officers and developers after the Councillors received evidence of major problems with water run-off and sewage in and around completed developments in Matlock. The Scrutiny Committee in the Council has legal powers to investigate other authorities as well as the Council itself. The Lead Local Flood Authority is part of Derbyshire County Council.
Cllrs Steve Wain and Joanne Linthwaite with help from Matlock residents have traced watercourses unknown to the Flood Authority and collected evidence of flooding from run-off and sewage near and in new developments in Matlock.
Cllr David Hughes, LibDem Chair of the Scrutiny Committee said "There is evidence that conditions placed on developers as recommended by the Lead Local Flood Authority are not protecting people buying homes on new developments and people living below them. The Committee will investigate whether the Flood Authority's evaluation of developers' proposals, recommendations and follow through in terms of checking that the approved schemes are working. The Committee has approved a programme of work to do this."