Does anyone else smell it? I get a strong smell of decay from the Conservative Party, like discovering the slimy, old carrot at the bottom of the drawer in the fridge. Out of sight, festering until the smell alerts you that all is not well.
We have been assaulted so many times by accounts of financial duplicity and downright falsehood, that we should have expected to smell rot earlier. But somehow the Conservative Party keeps peddling their ineptitude and financial sleaziness as "careless" mistakes, a staggering 'oops' factor that no-one else could ever dream of or get away with.
The upper echelons of the Conservatives seem entwined and self supporting to a staggering degree, a "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" that even involves third cousins once removed! Would you stand as guarantor for £800,000 for a very distant cousin and if so why? The questions that swirl around the propriety of this Conservative Government now raise so much stink that only the rabid Daily Mail seeks to blame people surviving on benefits for the economic demise of this country!
We need rid of these political charlatans, who have taken the public as fools for too long. Their destructive self-serving is draining the life out of this country.