No data does not mean low data
How often have we heard phrases like ' we have found no instances of such and such a problem in this area'?
This section contains News articles written by local members on both local and national issues that we feel are important to the lives of those living in Derbyshire Dales. We hope that these give you an understanding of the values that we, as Liberal Democrats, feel are important.
How often have we heard phrases like ' we have found no instances of such and such a problem in this area'?
The Local Governement Boundary Commission has reported back on the submissions made by various people and organisations following their invitation to make suggestions on the ward boundaries for Derbyshire Dales.
Effective consultation is needed before this far reaching step is taken by Highfields School, Matlock County Cllr Sue Burfoot has written to Highfields School Chair of Governors to urge that effective consultation on proposed academisation is undertaken.
Dales resident receives convincing scam 'NHS' email. A Dales resident and Lib Dem member reports being sent an impressively authentic looking email inviting her to book her coronavirus vaccination appointment.
It was weeks into the first lockdown before the vulnerability of those whose job was to care for the elderly in care homes became a concern to government with the acknowledgement that they needed proper PPE and not something improvised from bin liners and old sheets.
Derbyshire Dales District Council is to hold an emergency meeting to reconsider the way it decides if payments can be paid to residents asked to self-isolate after being told they may have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.