This section contains News articles written by local members on both local and national issues that we feel are important to the lives of those living in Derbyshire Dales. We hope that these give you an understanding of the values that we, as Liberal Democrats, feel are important.
What led to such an overwhelming victory for the Lib Dems? Clearly the qualities of our winning candidate, Sarah Green, and the tremendous campaigning of all the Lib Dem members and supporters who invested their time ,energy and money are major factors in our success in Chesham and Amersham. However it is also appropriate to reflect on which particular issues were most mentioned 'on the door step' and which Lib Dem policies resonated most with constituents.
At the Highways, Assets and Transport Cabinet meeting held on the 17th June, a request from Lib Dem Cllr Sue Burfoot to introduce traffic calming measures in Smedley Street, Matlock was refused. Despite a petition signed by 50 local residents requesting these measures, the Cabinet Member for Highways, newly appointed Cllr Kewal Singh Athwal, has agreed with the officer report and recommended the refusal of the request on the grounds that there have been insufficient 'personal injury collisions' to warrant introducing measures to slow down the traffic. It seems that the way that road safety is looked at by the County Council is to regard it in cost benefit terms and (apparently) 3 people have to be hurt within 3 years before even the most basic traffic calming scheme can be funded.
Despite the numbers of air pollution 'hot spots' in Derbyshire having increased with the declaration of an Air Quality Management Area in Ashbourne, both Conservative run District and County Councils seem to have been slow to inform us as to what they are planning to do to help residents have 'cleaner' air. Most significantly how are they planning to protect our children's health from the damaging affects of high levels of nitrogen oxides and particulates. (the theme of this year's 'Clean Air Day'
The boardwalk has gone!
Lib Dem Cllr Steve Wain elected as Derbyshire Dales Civic Chairman and Mayor of Matlock