Why was Watery Lane Clifton ever shortlisted as a Traveller site?
The Coal Yard off Watery lane Clifton was probably one of the worst kept 'secrets' of Derbyshire Dales District Council
The Coal Yard off Watery lane Clifton was probably one of the worst kept 'secrets' of Derbyshire Dales District Council
Derbyshire Dales District Council meet via Zoom on Wednesday 2nd September. They are tasked with making choices on both a future permanent traveller site and a temporary 'tolerated' site so the…
Open letter to Council requesting clarity on Air Pollution
This was the question posed by Jules White, a secondary school headteacher and leader of the 'Worth Less?' campaign group, representing hundreds of secondary school headteachers, after the government…
'Computer knows best' approach sees hundreds of thousands of A level awards downgraded.
The key danger Boris Johnson poses is to the concept of objective truth. The analysis in the press of his first year in power has mostly treated him as a standard prime minister living through…
'Nobody wants to see accidents in Starkholmes, least of all a fatality' says Lib Dem County Cllr Sue Burfoot.
Many county and district councils will be effectively bankrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. That means central government will have to choose how much local government it wishes to maintain and pay…